
How does access to justice vary across the world? Is the law equally applied? Are courts independent? We continuously ask the world's population and report quarterly. Latest update: July 2022

174 Countries now tracked
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Give poor people easy access to law, take their cases very seriously. Make law apply to everyone equally.

Male, aged 32
Johannesburg, South Africa
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On improving the Rule of Law:
قانونمندان و قضات عادل جذب شود ودولت از تبادله رشوه در هنگام قضایا توسط کادرهای عدلی و قضایی جلوگیری کن
Attract lawmakers and just judges and prevent the government from exchanging bribes during cases by the judiciary.

Male, aged 29
Kabul, Afghanistan
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On improving the Rule of Law:
We need honest and public friendly leaders to work for public not publicity. A honest leader can overcome each and every barrier in the way of law and country development.

Male, aged 26
Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
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It is necessary to promote anti-corruption and uphold integrity, and let everyone know the harm of corruption to the family, society and even the country

Female, aged 51
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
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On Russia and the Ukraine:
За 6 днiв загинуло бiльш нiж 10.000 людей...чому?

More than 10,000 people died in 6 days ... why?

female, Aged 30
Kremenchug, Poltava Oblast, Ukraine
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On Russia and the Ukraine:
Я русская ,но живу на Украине и люблю свою красивую и миролюбивую страну. Нельзя вмешиваться и силой навязывать свои порядки.
I am Russian, but I live in Ukraine and love my beautiful and peaceful country. You can not interfere and impose your order by force.

female, Aged 65
Nogaisk, Zaporizhzhya Oblast, Ukraine
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On Russia and the Ukraine:
я не знаю что там реально происходит

I don't know what's really going on

female, Aged 34
Kirov Oblast, Russian Federation

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On Russia and the Ukraine:
это бессмысленная война, преступная по всем международным законам, подлость и глупость российской власти
This is a senseless war, criminal according to all international laws, the meanness and stupidity of the Russian authorities

male, Aged 62
Biysk, Altai Krai, Russian Federation
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On Russia and the Ukraine:
Такой ценой Украина нам не нужна.
We don't need Ukraine at such a price.

male, Aged 58
Moscow, Russian Federation
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On Russia and the Ukraine:
Я не знаю кому верить,во что верить, просто хочется жить в мире
I don't know who to believe, what to believe, I just want to live in peace

Female, aged 28
Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia
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La guerre c'est pas une bonne chose. Non seulement le monde a été affronte par covid 19 et maintenant une guerre qui n'a pas de sens?

War is not a good thing. Not only has the world been confronted by covid 19 and now a war that makes no sense?

female, Aged 33
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On Russia and the Ukraine
RThey are murdering civilians to occupy a country that isn’t theirs

female, Aged 37
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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On Russia and the Ukraine
Russia is illegally invading a country that DOES not belong to him. He doesn’t like the freedom Ukraine may get by joining NATO and many other reasons. He’s a killer and reckless and won’t win

female, Aged 55
Coalville, England, UK
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On improving the Rule of Law:
By ridding loopholes in the court system. These loopholes are the problems of interfering with the Rule of Law.

Male, aged 56
The Bronx, New York, USA
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On improving the Rule of Law:
Mejoraría las leyes, que sean más claras y que los jueces sean evaluados antes de ejercer como tal.

It would improve the laws, that they are clearer and that the judges are evaluated before practicing as such.

Female, aged 46
Antofagasta, Chile
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On improving the Rule of Law:
Perhaps secondary schools could incorporate 1 week each year where their senior students visited courts to see how trials went and had a look behind scenes and with the police to better understand the rule of law.

Female, aged 77
Auckland, New Zealand
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On improving the Rule of Law:
It is necessary to listen to the voices of the people, not just the opinions of the top management

Female, aged 59
Tokyo, Japan
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our approach

We’re LexisNexis employees who volunteer our time, skills and resources to support the Rule of Law.  We want to improve access to justice for all global citizens.  We want greater transparency and equality in our legal processes.  We want independent courts and judges. 

To help meet these objectives we believe (to quote Justice Louis Brandeis) that “sunlight is the best disinfectant.”  We want to shine a light on the lived experience of the rule of law in every country.  Do all citizens believe they have access to justice? Does this vary by who you are?  Or where you are? We continuously survey the world’s population across over 170 countries to find out (our reporting is updated at the end of each quarter).   

We combine these surveys with analyses of legal processes (via data science).  This includes readability of the law and speed of legal processes – both of which are critical components for access to justice.  All our data, analysis and reporting is openly available to all. 

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what we monitor


Does the global public believe they access to justice?

See Results


How accessible is the law? We measure the readability of constitutions.

See Results


Justice delayed is justice denied.  But just how quick is the law (US)?

See Results


We survey the world to measure overall strength of Rule of Law

See Results


How readable is US State law? We’ve analyzed the state constitutions. 

See Results


Does the public trust the courts? We’ve surveyed over 60k US citizens.   

See Results


How is the global public reacting to Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine?

See Results


Does the global public believe their courts are independent? 

See Results


Do people believe the law applies to everyone in the same way?  

See Results


Are laws clear and easy to understand? We ask the global public.

See Results


The Rule of Law Monitor is provided by LexisNexis employees. To learn more about our company, and the values that drive us to volunteer on projects like this, please visit our careers and values website.


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